Today, this glorious day in the middle of March, we fired up the grill for burgers. Our first grill out is always special. I thought I’d try something different to celebrate. I did a bit of snooping around the internet and got some ideas. Onion Rings! I hate those thick, gritty, frozen ones.
I noticed a certain secret ingredient in a few light and crispy onion ring recipes…Powdered Potatoes!! I never use those things, but I figure I’ll give them a chance. Flour, Corn Starch, Club Soda and of course Onions are also on the list. Oil for frying and some S&P. Here is what I learned…
I could not find Vadalia or Walla Walla here in the sticks. I got one big Yellow. This one onion was plenty for 6 people. I use my handy, cheap slicer set on thick slices. Use the hand guard…otherwise a quick ER visit will be in your future.
I read a few tips about soaking the onions in cold water with a bit of salt and malt or cider vinegar. Soak at least 1 hour. This separates the pieces, takes away the bite and makes them crisp. Now let’s make the batter.
I used…
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup cornstarch
3 tablespoons instant potatoes
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons black pepper
28-30 ounces club soda
Drain your soaking onions well and add to batter. Preheat your oil to 350. I did a test ring (to test for quality control and because I was hungry). Drop into your oil but don’t crowd the pan.
They float right away and dance around the hot pan. Flip once and drain on a paper towel or brown paper bag.
These need attention. I had my burger toppings ready and sent the Hubs to the grill. I would not make these for a large group or if I had a lot of other things to manage. Also, check with your Cardiologist if you plan to enjoy these often.
There they are! We enjoyed with a burger fresh off the grill with all the fixin’s. I am going to try this batter with some other veggies and fish too.
Whew! That was a long Winter and we welcome the beginning of Spring!