Happy St. Patrick’s Day sisterslice.com-ers!
I don’t use coupons. If you do, then go you!
Not that I haven’t tried, I have! I’ve gotten the circulars out, clipped em, organized em, made meal plans around what was on sale, put them in my purse, then forget to use them or they expire. Then I’m all like, “I want that half hour of my life back” resentful…
Plus I hate little scraps of paper. Yep, I’m the mom that throws away all the “art” that comes home each day in their little pink back packs.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a monster! I have saved a couple of the really, really good ones. But honestly, will my soon to be grown woman want these in 2024? Probably not…
I digress, back to the recipe – oh and did I mention that this one is totes easy and will become a staple as a side or as a main dish?
Instead of coupons and meal planning these days I’m shopping a couple times a week and picking up the instore “specials” and creating meals on the fly.
Right now you can get cabbage for a song and I’m sure even cheaper over the next few days.
I think I got this big beauty for $.50 and it’s big enough to feed the 5 of us (not that the girls will touch this with a ten foot poll, they are on a beige diet. They only like to eat neutral colored food – ugh!)
The bacon I got at Aldi’s for less than $3.00. The rest of the ingredients are in your pantry.
First, peal off the sad, outer leaves of the cabbage and wash him off.
I slice into wedges and set them up like little soldiers on a prepped cookie sheet. You can also lay them on a wire baking rack on the pan for you health conscience folks. That way the excess grease can drain, drip off, but to me that’s what makes this dish so delish.
I cut the package of bacon in half. I used thick cut. Of course I’m wearing gloves (I can’t touch raw meat, it’s a “thing” – but you already knew that).
I drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with course ground black pepper, kosher salt & garlic powder.
The oven has been preheated to 400. You want it hot to crisp up the bacon and soften the cabbage.
They enjoy about 45 minuets in the hot box and then I let them rest on the stove top for another 15.
The texture and flavor was off the chain. A mix of crispy, salty goodness and sweet, softened cabbage. YUM!
I ate this for my meal and was totally satisfied. You can too or serve it along side your boring old chicken breast. Either way, try it… you’ll like it!